Infinitum Cognition

Infinitum Cognition

Bertrand Russell's Logical Foundations of Mathematics

Bertrand Russell, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, had a profound impact on the philosophy of mathematics. His work, alongside that of his collaborator Alfred North Whitehead in their seminal work Principia Mathematica, aimed to show that mathematics is a branch of logic and that all mathematical truths can be derived from logical axioms through purely logical deduction. This ambitious project sought to provide a firm foundation for mathematics, free from the paradoxes and inconsistencies that had plagued it at the turn of the century. In this blog post, we will explore Russell's unique perspective on numbers, his contributions to the philosophy of mathematics, and how his views continue to influence contemporary thought.

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The Evolution of Numbers Throughout History

Full of many an informative discussion and historical development of numbers, we will find. It is an extraordinary journey through time that chronicles an evolution reflecting the development in cultures and advancements in civilizations made by humankind. But this story is more than just a monotonous record of symbols and definitions evolving; it is a peephole view into our species struggling with the mysteries of the universe, reaching into the unknown to rationally structure our world, and transmitting complex reasoning across generations. The origin of numbers is one of the great milestones in the history of mathematics, showing with much clarity how man populated nature with his thoughts so as to get in contact with reality.

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Unraveling Mathematical Proof Methods

The mathematical proof forms a crucial element in any mathematical argument, as with them, it affords the researcher a way to ascertain the truth or falsity of some particular statement or theorem. Different methods include those that involve proving theorems in induction and deduction.

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How Do We Know the Earth is Not Flat?

For centuries, the shape of the Earth has been a topic of discussion, debate, and scientific study. While ancient civilizations might have had differing views on the matter, the consensus among today’s scientists is unequivocal: The Earth is not flat but a sphere. This blog post delves into the myriad of evidence that supports this fact, aiming to shed light on how we know the Earth is round.

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What is dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia, often referred to as mathematics disability or math dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to understand and perform mathematical operations.

ATTENTION! This article is for informational purposes only and is not written by a doctor or specialist! The diagnosis of dyscalculia is something that only specialists can diagnose. Also, not every failure in math is a sign of dyscalculia. If you think that you or your child has dyscalculia, consult a specialist.

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